What's the Purpose?
I'm actively working on my newsletter. I'm supposed to figure out what my "brand" is. Not an easy task. I've contemplated this for a while now, months.
What I've come up with is this: I like to help and connect with people on a deeper level, hence, Jordin Turner, the psychologist, from Destiny was born. I also like to inspire. Hello, Allie Emerson from Diversity. And I'm passionate about love and romance. Sweet Emily Jenkins from Purity.
I believe the equation in the image above sums up what I feel has become my purpose - to inspire, generate awareness, establish a conversation, and create insight. Combine these concepts with my passion for writing and voila, a romance writer is born.
By penning love stories that help characters overcome obstacles in life, rise above the challenges they face, both past and present, become self-aware and empowered, and fall in love during the process, I feel I've found my niche, my "brand."
It is my belief that we can move forward, no matter what hand life has dealt us.
I will continue to write from the heart, create depth in my characters, and make them get the hell up when life knocks them down. And if one reader connects with a hero or heroine I've created, has given that person food for thought, or made them think about something they've faced or are facing in a new, more positive light, I've succeeded at helping another by using my writing ability to do so, thus reinforcing my purpose.
I've said this before, we all have one. Let's focus on these innate positives we all possess and share them rather than judge the circumstances of others.